Faculty of Science

The Faculty of Science offers high-quality curriculum in the areas of pure and applied science.

All programs in this Faculty have a common first year module, giving students a strong and informed basis for choosing subsequent modules. Our teaching, learning, and assessment methods are aimed at giving students the opportunity to enhance existing skills and develop new ones. Our students have access to training in modern scientific laboratories which equips them with skills of global standards that they can use in real-life situations and at every level of their educational journey. To achieve this vision, the Faculty encourages academic staff to update their knowledge through postgraduate training, research, and workshops.

Whether you are a member of our faculty, a postdoctoral fellow, a graduate student, a member of our staff, an undergraduate, or a member of our broader public community, please let me welcome you to the College of Science.

Prof. Taofik Uthman (Faculty Dean)

Faculty Dean Message

The College of Sciences is distinguished by a community committed to providing world-class science education to the next generation, exploring our endlessly fascinating world, and answering profound questions about life itself.

We, scientists, are characteristically a curious bunch. From the far reaches of the universe to the depths of the world’s oceans, we want to know why things are the way they are, and how they work. We spend hours and hours puzzling through mathematical problems, knowing that beautiful solutions lie at the end of the intellectual journey. We have dedicated our lives to exploring cells, molecules, chemical reactions, ecological relationships, computer logic, the origins of life and the universe.

The discoveries that we make transform our view of ourselves and our place in the cosmos. They also have the potential to combine with other findings and impact our world, from personal health care to technology and the environment. The college also impacts the world by graduating more than 2,000 incredibly smart, creative and motivated students, year after year—alumni who become doctors, veterinarians, policymakers, professors, web developers, business owners, technology innovators, and much more.

The College of Science is here to support all of these journeys of discovery, and I welcome you to join us.

After all, discovery starts here, and what starts here changes the world.

The Biotechnology Department is dedicated to providing contemporary quality undergraduate education that combines multiple areas of science and technology with the research and development of numerous types of living organisms. The structure of the programme ensures that students are exposed to courses that will prepare them for careers in Bio-medicine and forensics, quality control/assurance, Pharmaceutical development, Environmental protection, Agriculture and food production. Biotechnology aims to apply the latest molecular techniques to modern-day problems in industrial and environmental situations. Fundamental research in these areas will help to shape the development of the industrial world.

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A biochemistry degree opens up a range of highly-skilled careers that incorporate aspects of both biology and medicine. Over the past 100 years, biochemists have been responsible for a huge number of important scientific breakthroughs that have helped to develop our understanding of living organisms. This broad definition of biochemistry means that the job of a biochemist can encompass a wide range of scientific topics, including stem cell research, genetic research, immunology, pharmacology, forensics, cancer research, environmental science and food science. The research efforts of biochemists have the potential to result in dramatic medical or scientific breakthroughs.

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The Microbiology Department is dedicated to providing contemporary quality undergraduate education in several areas of the biological sciences, including pre-medical biology to science education. The structure of the programme ensures that students are exposed to courses that will prepare them for careers in all areas of microbiology. The laboratory experiences offered by the department require that students develop competencies in the use of modern microbiological techniques, and in the analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data.

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The Department of Biological Sciences is a dynamic center for the study and research of the diverse and exciting field of life sciences. Students of the department gain concise knowledge of the principles, concepts, and methods of modern biology; as well as develop necessary analytical, practical, and research skills, relevant in the ever dynamic fields of cell and developmental biology; environmental biology; and biotechnology.

MSc Biology  

Industrial Chemistry is the index of industrial development everywhere in the world. The frontiers of chemistry are very large, ranging from one extreme of natural products to those synthesized by man. The enormous strides made by man in the understanding, exploitation of nature and synthesis of new products all have their roots in chemistry and chemical technology. Our Industrial chemistry program is designed to prepare students to be professionals, to develop students’ capacities to understand issues and problems at the frontiers of knowledge and to make significant contributions to knowledge.

Learn More About our Programs:

BSc Industrial Chemistry

MSc Industrial Chemistry

PhD Industrial Chemistry

Industrial Chemistry is the index of industrial development everywhere in the world. The frontiers of chemistry are very large, ranging from one extreme of natural products to those synthesized by man. The enormous strides made by man in the understanding, exploitation of nature and synthesis of new products all have their roots in chemistry and chemical technology. Our Industrial chemistry program is designed to prepare students to be professionals, to develop students’ capacities to understand issues and problems at the frontiers of knowledge and to make significant contributions to knowledge.

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