The postgraduate training in Mass Communication is founded on the belief that Mass Communication plays a crucial role in promoting popular enlightenment and driving social transformation. This objective will be realized through advanced media instruction and a commitment to conducting high-quality media research, training, and fostering professional excellence. As a result, the postgraduate program in Mass Communication aims to become a prominent hub for delivering top-notch media education, training, and research, with the capability to produce highly skilled professionals who are well-prepared to contribute to the media industry across various sectors including print, electronic media, advertising, and public relations.
The objectives of the Postgraduate degree program in Mass Communication are to:
- Enable graduates to acquire advanced skills and competence in media research, theory, and practice.
- Train skilled manpower for educational institutions and professional media organizations in both the public and private sectors, as well as international organizations.
- Equip graduates with entrepreneurial media and public relations skills to enable them to become self-employed.
- Train graduates to develop critical judgment skills through a broad knowledge of theoretical and practical issues in media work.
- Produce graduates who are equipped with relevant skills in the production of quality newspapers/magazines, advertising/public relations campaign materials and electronic media, video jingles, and docu-drama using modern technology, including ICT.
- Train graduates in special communication areas such as behaviour change communication for documents, political communication, and multi-media journalism.