Oluwatosin Imoleayo Oyeniran

Picture of Oluwatosin Imoleayo, Oyeniran | Nile University of Nigeria


Lecturer II


Human Physiology


Volta, Room 212


Oluwatosin Oyeniran is an experienced university researcher and lecturer with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry. He teaches physiology to undergraduates and carry out research in physiology and biomedical sciences. He possess strong educational credentials and experience spanning over six (6) years in university teaching and research.

Till date, he has published over 43 scholarly articles in high-impact journals, presented his research works in over ten (10) local and international conferences, and his works have gathered over 447 Google Scholar citations globally.

Recent Publications (Articles, Books, Book Chapters/Sections, Proceedings, etc.)

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6720-8453


  1. Akintunde, T. Y., Shaojun, C., Oyeniran, O. I, Monday, E., Tassang, E., Terkuma, C., & Oluseyi, A. (2022). Personal Sensitivity, Self-Medication, Mask Usage and Covid-19 Symptoms in Sub-Saharan Africans Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, 20-21.
  2. Akintunde, T. Y., Adedeji, A., Okagbue, E. F., Oyeniran, O. I., Muhideen, S., Tassang, A. E., & Musa, T. H (2022). Moderating Effect of Solidarity and Social Support on Psychological Health as a Predictor of Subjective Happiness of Medical Students in Nigeria. Available at SSRN 4017590.
  3. Chia, T., Ajagbe, A. O., Akanji, O., Onigbinde, O. A, Oyeniran, I. O., & Turhan, B (2021). Repositioning Gross Anatomy Practical for Future Pandemics: A Paradigm Shift from Traditional to Effective Alternatives. Acta morphologica et anthropologica28, 3-4.
  4. Akintunde, T. Y., Adedeji, A., Amoo, F. O., Taha, H, M., Linda, R., Oyeniran, O. I., Angwi, E. T., Akintunde, O. D (2021). The Effect of Social Support, Solidarity and Demographic Characteristics on Social Anxiety among Medical Students in Nigeria amid the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis. Internal Medicine. 11(6):353.
  5. Terkuma Chia, Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran, Iorfa SK (2021). Validation of the Fear of Covid-19 Scale in Nigeria: Implications for Public Health Practice. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, Jun 12.
  6. Mojiminiyi F, Aliyu B, Oyeniran O, Isu A. The Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Lowering Effect of Aqueous Calyx Extract of Hibiscus sabdariffa May Occur through the Attenuation of the Discharge of the Autonomic Nervous System. Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences. 2021 Dec 31; 36(2): 203-9.
  7. Pam Dung, Etuh Monday Alexander, Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran, & Iorjiim Walter (2021). Toxicity of Mangifera Indica aqueous stem bark extract evaluated in drosophila melanogaster used as model organism. Annales Pharmaceutiques Francaises. March 3.
  8. Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran, & Terkuma Chia (2020). Novel Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in Nigeria: how effective are government interventions? Ethics, Medicine, and Public Health, 14: 100515.
  9. Onigbinde A. Oluwanisola, Terkuma Chia, Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran, & Ajagbe O. Abayomi, (2020). The Place of Cadaveric Dissection in Post-COVID-19 Anatomy Education. Morphologie https://doi.org/10.1016/j.morpho.2020.10.004.
  10. Onigbinde, O., Ajagbe, A., Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran, & Chia, T. (2020). Post-COVID-19 pandemic: standard operating procedures for gross anatomy laboratory in the new standard. Morphologie https://doi.org/10.1016/j.morpho.2020.10.004.
  1. Chia Terkuma, & Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran (2020). PowerLab system enhances physiology experimentation and learning in pre-clinical medical students. Cumhuriyet Medical Journal, 42(3). https://doi.org/10.7197/cmj.vi.680691
  2. Oraebosi, M. I., Good, G. M., Chia, T., & Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran (2020). Bombax Costatum extract abrogates piroxicam-mediated hepatic and gastric toxicities in rats. Annales Pharmaceutiques Francaises 78(6), 507-514 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pharma.2020.06.002
  1. Chia, Terkuma, & Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran (2020). Human health versus human rights: An emerging ethical dilemma arising from coronavirus disease pandemic. Ethics, Medicine, and Public Health, 14: 100511.
  1. Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran, & Chia, T. (2020). Fighting the Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic: Employing lessons from the Ebola virus disease response. Ethics, Medicine, and Public Health, 15, 100558. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jemep.2020.100558
  2. Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran, Chia, T., & Oraebosi, M. I. (2020). Combating Covid-19 pandemic in Africa: An urgent call to scale up laboratory testing capacities. Ethics, Medicine, and Public Health, 15, 100552. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jemep.2020.100552
  3. Igyuse, S. S., Chia, T., & Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran. (2020). Implications of Coronavirus Pandemic on public health policy in Africa. Cumhuriyet Medical Journal, 255, 258. http://dx.doi.org/10.7197/cmj.vi.756066
  1. Chia, Terkuma, and Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran (2020). Will Africa experience a spike in COVID-19 cases? Asian Pac J Trop Med,13(7): 285-287.
  2. Chia, T. I., Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran, Ajagbe, A. O., Onigbinde, O. A., & Oraebosi, M. I. (2020). The symptoms and stress experience by medical students in anatomy dissection halls. Journal of Taibah University Medical Science, 15(1): 8-13.
  3. Chia, T. I., & Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran. (2020). Determining the anatomy of anatomy educators. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, 15(2): 102-109.
  4. Oraebosi, M. I., Chia, T., & Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran. (2020). Preparing the Next Generation of African Healthcare Workers and Scientists: Lessons from Corona Virus Pandemic. Ethics, Medicine, and Public Health, 14, 100535.
  5. Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran, Terkuma Chia, Oluwanisola A. Onigbinde, Abayomi O. Ajagbe (2020). Avoiding an imminent catastrophe from COVID-19 pandemic in Africa: The need to urgently prohibit mass gatherings. Cumhuriyet Medical Journal, 42(2): 203-207.


Web of Science-indexed Articles

  1. Saater Igyuse, Terkuma Chia, Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran, & Senol Dane (2021). Patients Experiences in accessing National Health Insurance Services in Nigeria. Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science, 9(3): 135-140.
  2. Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran, Terkuma Chia, & Senol Dane (2021). Physiology Research in Africa: Current trends, Challenges and Future directions. Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science, 9(1): 134-140.
  3. Okute Ochayi, Ruth Y. Manjak, Emmanuel E. Ochai, Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran, & Senol Dane (2021). Selenium-Yeast Administration Ameliorates the Alterations in Haematological and Oxidative Stress Parameters of Wistar Rats Subjected to Restraint Stress. Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science, 9(3): 171-176.
  4. Terkuma Chia, Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran, Michael I. Oraebosi, & Senol Dane (2021). Study of Stressors in a Cohort of Undergraduate Medical Students. Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science, 9(2): 23-29.
  5. Tumbas‑Šaponjac V, Akpoveso O-O. P, Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran, Desančić, J. & Četojević‑Simin, D. (2020). Antioxidant Activity and Enhanced Cytotoxicity of Aqueous Mucuna pruriens L. Leaf Extract by Doxorubicin on Different Human Cancer Cell Lines. Pharmacognosy Magazine, 16(28), 224-228.
  6. Biliaminu, S. A., Saka, M. J., Sanni, E. O., Imran, J., Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran, & Senol Dane. (2020). Gender-related Differences in Correlations among BMI, Salivary Testosterone and Cortisol and Depression and Alexithymia Scores in University Students. Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science, 8(1), 152-157.
  7. Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran (2019). Drosophila melanogaster: A Veritable Genetic Tool and in vivo Model for Human Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 30(2): 1-9.
  8. Biliaminu, S. A., Saka, M. J., Sanni, E. O., Imran, J., Oluwatosin, I. Oyeniran, & Senol Dane. (2020). Gender-related relationships among salivary cortisol and testosterone hormones and self-esteem and aggressiveness in University Students. Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science, 8(4), 136-140.


Articles in Other Internationally Peer-reviewed Referred Journals

  1. Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran & Terkuma Chia (2021). Curtailing the Risk of COVID-19 Infection Among Medical Students Through Safer Handling of Cadavers During Anatomical Dissection. Ulutas Medical Journal. 7(2): 65-68.
  2. Onigbinde A. Oluwanisola, Ajagbe O. Abayomi, Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran, and Terkuma Chia (2021). Post-Covid-19 Pandemic: How Safe Is Cadaver Dissection in Medical Schools? Cumhuriyet Medical Journal, 43(3): 2017-210
  3. Oluwatosin Imoleayo Oyeniran, Oluwanisola Akanji Onigbinde, Abayomi Oyeyemi Ajagbe, Terkuma Chia, Akintunde Tosin Yinka. (2021). Educational Transition amid COVID-19 Outbreak in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities for Medical Education. International Journal of Basic Science in Medicine, 6(3): In Press
  4. Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran (2021). Impacts of Novel COVID-19 Pandemic on Furtherance of Medical Education: Challenges and Possible Prospects. The Ulutas Medical Journal. 7(1): 4-7.
  5. Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran (2021). Strengthening Healthcare Workers and Professionals amid COVID-19 Pandemic. The Ulutas Medical Journal. 6(4): 208-209.
  6. Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran (2021). Sourcing and Availability of Cadavers for Anatomical Dissection amid Covid-19 Pandemic: Safety Challenges and Possible Solutions. The Ulutas Medical Journal. 6(4): 188-192.
  7. Chia, T. I., & Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran. (2020). Ethical Considerations in the Use of Unclaimed Bodies for Anatomical Dissection: A Call for Action. The Ulutas Medical Journal. 6(1), 5-8.
  8. Ajagbe, A. O., Onigbinde, O. A., Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran, & Chia, T. (2020). Mental Morbidity Arising from Social Isolation During Covid-19 Outbreak. The Ulutas Medical Journal, 6(2), 97-100.
  9. Etuh, Monday Alexander, John C. Aguiyi, Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran, Ogwu, Ochala Sunshine, Omale Simeon, Oshibanjo Olusegun Debola and Dung Pam. (2019). The In vivo Antioxidant Protective Activity of Mangifera indica Cold Aqueous Leaf Extract in Drosophila Melanogaster. Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology, 22(2):1-7.
  10. Etuh Monday Alexander, John Chinyere Aguiyi, Iorjiim Walter Mdekera, Ochala, Sunshine Ogwu, Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran, Chinelo Vera Ugokwe and Dung Pam. (2019). The Climbing Performance, Neuromuscular Transmitter (ACHE) Activity, Reproductive Performance and Survival of Drosophila melanogaster Fed Diet with Mangifera indica Cold Aqueous Leaf Extract. Journal of Applied Life Sciences International, 22(2): 1-11.
  11. Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran, Chia T., and Ajagbe A. O. (2019). Prevalence of Drug and Alcohol Use among Undergraduate Medical Students in a Nigerian Private University. Asian Journal of Medicine and Health, 16(1):1-6.
  12. Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran, T. Chia and A. O. Ajagbe. (2019). Impacts of Problem-Based-Learning on Academic Learning Process of Pre-Clinical Medical Students in Nile University of Nigeria. Journal of Advances in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 21(3): 1-7.
  13. Terkuma Chia and Oluwatosin I. Oyeniran (2019). Anatomy Education in Nigeria: Challenges and Prospects. Journal of Contemporary Medical Education, 9(3): 61-65.

Courses/Modules Taught


  1. Introductory Physiology for Public Health Students (PHS 207)
  2. Introductory Physiology for Physiology and Anatomy Students (PHS 203)
  3. Practical Physiology I (PHS 201)
  4. Practical Physiology I (PHS 211)
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