Prof. Nwojo Agwu Nnanna


Head of Department & Professor


Computer Science


Block A, Room 104


Dr. Nwojo Agwu Nnanna received his Ph.D. in Mathematics from Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, in 1996. He has authored numerous peer-reviewed journal articles in the fields of numerical computation, systems and control theory, and the application of semi-Lagrangian integration techniques to Navier-Stokes equations. His research interests focus on dynamical systems and the design of robust optimization models for machine learning algorithms.

Recent Publications (Articles, Books, Book Chapters/Sections, Proceedings, etc.)

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Courses/Modules Taught

Undergraduates (Code & Title)

  1. MAT 201 – Mathematical Methods
  2. MAT 204 – Linear Algebra I
  3. CSC 310 – Formal Models of Computation
  4. MEE 309 – Control Systems
  5. CSC 407 – Artificial Intelligence
  6. CSC 308 – Computational Science and Numerical Methods
  7. CSC 334 – Numerical Analysis


Postgraduates (Code & Title)

  1. CSC 817 – Theory of Computation
  2. CSC 830 – Artificial Intelligence
  3. CSC 917 – Advanced Theory of Computation
  4. CSC 930 – Advanced Artificial Intelligence
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