Dr. Ngozi Obeta ANADI


HOD, Criminology & Security Studies


Criminology and Security Studies


Niger House, Room 206 Niger House


Dr. Ngozi Obeta Anadi is the Head of the Department of Criminology and Security Studies at Nile University of Nigeria, a position she has held since joining the university in 2016. Before her tenure at Nile University, she served as an Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at Southern University, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

Dr. Anadi holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Law, a Master’s Degree in Law, a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice, and a Doctorate Degree in Public Policy.

Recent Publications (Articles, Books, Book Chapters/Sections, Proceedings, etc.)

Google Scholar: ‪Ngozi Anadi – ‪Google Scholar

Scopus: Scopus preview – NGOZI’s dashboard

Research Gate: Ngozi Anadi (researchgate.net)

ORCID: Ngozi Anadi (0000-0003-1743-1889) (orcid.org)

Web of Science: Ngozi Anadi – Web of Science Core Collection


Other Nationally & Internationally Referred Articles

  1. Barnabas, S. B. and Anadi, N.O. (2024) Public Versus Private Property Rights: An      Examination of The Concepts of Commons, Common Lands, Rights of Common And Greens in England and Wales, Nile University Law Journal, Volume 6 Number I, p19.
  2. Anadi, N.O. and Odoma, S.U. (2023) Insecurity in Nigeria: Beyond Complaints and Rhetorics, Bingham Journal of Sociology (BJS) Volume 1, Number 2, p. 66-76.
  3. Morocco-Clarke, A., Anadi, N.O. and Alkali Fatima (2023) The Nigerian Judiciary, Oil Pollution And Environmental Cases in Nigeria: Is Justice Ever Served? Nile University Law Journal, Volume 5 Number I, p21.
  4. Osisiogu U.C, Onoja A., Mmahi O. P, A., Anadi N.O. (2021) Nigerians and the Experience of Xenophobia Across Africa. International Journal of Management, Social Sciences, Peace and Conflict Studies (IJMSSPCS) Vol. 5 No.2 June 2022.
  5. Offor U.I, Anadi N.O, Onunkwo M.C, Offiah C (2021) On-line Gambling Among Male Students of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka: Causes, Consequences and Measures. Unizik Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies Vol.7, 387-399.
  6. Odoma S., & Anadi N.O (2021). Religious Conflicts in Nigeria: Between Secularism and State Preference for Religions. Open Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 9, 20-37.
  7. Anadi, N.O., Anadi, S.M.K., Offor, U.I., and Anadi, C.C., (2020). The Silent Dimension of Domestic Violence in Anambra State: Implications for Sustainable National Development. International Journal of Gender and Development Issues, Vol. 1 (9), 23-34.
  8. Anadi, N.O., Adamu, M.H. & Barnabas, S.G. (2019). The Reasoning Criminal: A Critical Appraisal of the Rational Choice Theory of Criminal Decision-Making. Nile University Law Journal, Vol.1 (2), 60-71.
  9. Barnabas. S.G. & Anadi, N.O. (2019). An Examination of the Co-Existence of Statutory and Customary Criminal Law in Nigeria. International Journal of Social Sciences (IJSS), Vol. 3(5). 156-173.
  10. Zuru, S.A. Anadi, N.O et al. (2019). The Doctrine of Pacta Sunt Servanda: Argumenting the Boodytrap in Negotiating a Trans-National Resources Agreement. Nile University Law Journal, Vol. 1(2), 1-8.
  11. Adamu, M.H. & Anadi, N.O. (2019). The Role of Ecowas Protocol for the Movement of Persons, Goods and Services in Promoting Economic Growth on Africa’s Development. International Journal of Social Sciences, (IJSS) Vol. 3(5) 156-173.
  12. Barnabas, S.G. & Anadi, N.O (2019).The Evolution of the Principle of Common But Differentiated Responsibilities’ (CBDR) As A Principle of International Climate Change Law and Policy-1972 -2015. Nile University Law Journal, Vol.1 (2), 72-90.
  13. Anadi, N.O. (2018). Authentic Discipleship in Christian Life: What It Means and What It Takes. Abuja Journal of Philosophy & Theology, Vol.8, 107-122.
  14. Anadi N. O. (2018) Excusing the Crazy: An Examination of the Legal Defence of Insanity under Nigerian Criminal Law. Nile University Law Journal, Vol. 1, 45-60
  15. Anadi, N.O. (2017). Culture, Religion and Gender Inequality (Book Chapter) in The Voice of the Oracle. Concept Publications, 347-360
  16. Anadi, C.C., Offor, U.I, Anadi, A.K., Anadi, S.K. & Anadi, N.O. (2016). Domestic Violence in Anambra State: Implications for Sustainable Development Goals. International Journal of Gender and Development Studies, 1(7), 1-11.
  17. Anadi, C.C., Anadi, S., & Anadi N.O. (2016). Uncommitted invigilation: A factor of examination malpractice crisis in Nigerian Universities. Nigerian Journal of Sociology of Education, X (1), 421-436
  18. Anadi, C.C., Onyebuchi, G.C., Offor, U.I., Anadi, S., & Anadi, N.O. (2015). Types and consequences of unethical behaviours manifested by lecturers in Nigeria universities: Implications for professional standards and sustainable national development. International Journal of Educational Research and Development (IJERD), 5(1), 142-153.
  19. Anadi, N.O. (2011). The Impact of Three Strikes Laws on Crime Rates in the United States: A Panel Data Analysis. pqdtopen.proquest.com/doc/914372134.html?

Courses/Modules Taught


  1. CSS 101-Introduction to Criminology
  2. CSS 103-Introduction to Criminal Justice
  3. CSS 103-Introduction to Law Enforcement
  4. LPU 101/102-Legal Method I&II
  5. CSS 106-Drug Abuse and Society
  6. CSS 107-Introduction to Crime and Society
  7. PSY 211-Principles of Criminology and Juvenile
  8. CSS 201-Nigerian Criminal Procedure and Evidence
  9. CSS 207-Victimology
  10. CSS 210-Human Rights.
  11. CSS 305-Research Methods in Criminal Justice
  12. LPU 301/302-Criminal Law I &II
  13. CSS 306-Individual Directed Study
  14. CSS 303-Media and the Courts
  15. CSS 403-Law of Evidence
  16. POS 403-Politics and Law in Africa
  17. LPU 403/404-Criminology  I&II
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